Rules General

  • The judges' decision is final, however, a team may request a review of points allocation for their own footage only.
  • A minimum of 3 judges will judge each submitted video. Should insufficient judges be available when footage is submitted, this minimum may be lowered by the Chief Judge.
  • Footage will not be available to anybody via the website until it has been downloaded by the Chief Judge and judged by the panel of judges.
  • New rounds will be drawn and published at the beginning of each month. Competitors will have until midnight on the 1st day of the following month to submit footage (e.g. October's must be in latest 1 November).
  • The team / individual that scores the highest will place 1st (awarded 5 points for instance), and so forth, scoring fewer points with every subsequent placing.
  • The purpose of the weighting and factoring is to equalise, not to advantage. Should significant unfair trends or advantage emerge toward a group or category the SASL committee may adust the formula accordingly and will publish all such changes.
  • If a team or individual does not submit footage in a given month, 0 points will be allocated by default.
  • A team or individual may register for the league at any time during the league, however, 0 points will be allocated in arrears for all months not participated in.
  • The top 3 teams will be recognised for their achievements. Individual competitors may 'migrate' from team to team provided it is within the event rules.
  • Individuals accumulate points awarded to team/s in which they participated for that draw month.
  • Each month's draw will be carried out by the Chief Judge.
  • The 'end of season' will be the final round - the final round will be rounds drawn for the upcoming National Championships ('SA Nationals')). Team / individual placings at SA Nationals will count towards the league.
  • League judges may participate in the league, provided they do not judge their own skydives.
  • The Chief Judge of the league will be responsible for the draws and will be present for all judging sessions.
  • The Chief Judge may participate in the league only as a guest competitor and is not eligible to for the SASL prize. The rest of the team on which the Chief Judge jumps will participate and be handicapped the same as any other competitor and are eligible for prizes and placings as standard competitors.
  • Special requests, concessions or accommodation may be formally requested to the SASL Committee, who will consider and rule each on a case-by-case basis within the spirit and intent of the league. The decision is final and no protest or complaint will be entertained.
  • By submitting, footage for SASL judging, you declare that you have permission to submit such footage and that the person(s) on whose behalf you submit the footage are the jumpers shown in the footage.
  • By submitting, footage for SASL judging, you agree to allow the SASL organisers to use and publish the said footage. Examples of ways SASL may use such footage include but are not limited to: sponsor feedback and promotion, advertising and publicity and event displays. The footage will not be used to shed negative light on any jumper, event, the sport or SASL. Should you feel your footage has been used inappropriately, you are asked to immediately contact the SASL Committee to voice your objection. The committee will comply with any requests it considers reasonable. SASL aims to promote and grow competitive skydiving as positively as possible.
  • FS Videographers are not eligable for points or leader board placings.
  • By registering on the SASL website, you agree to receive electronic updates from SASL.
  • SASL reps may compete in the league and are eligible for all placings, points and prizes.
  • The SASL and its organizers and contributors are all volunteer-based and rely on sponsorships for the provision of funding and prizes. Should sponsorship or funding be withdrawn, resulting in the inability to provide the planned prizes, the organizers reserve the right to change the prizes from what has been planned and published. In this case, every effort will be made to replace the publicised prize with something equally exciting.
  • Every competitor is required to update their jump numbers and tunnel time on their SASL profile, either via the website or by contacting a SASL committee member by email to do it on their behalf.
  • Tunnel time and jump numbers are to be updated with each month's submission. Tunnel time and jump numbers will be checked and verified from time to time. Any participant found to have more jumps or tunnel time than declared in their profile will be immediately disqualified from the league. Individuals who have competed on a team with that participant will have their results recalculated to reflect a truer outcome and may be penalised.
  • The handicap formula has been designed to equalize various experience levels. Should the formula appear to be skewing results unfairly or ineffectively, the formula may be adjusted to better equalise competitors. Any such change and the reason for it will be publicised on the website.
Be sure to also check out the discipline specific rules:
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